Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Momma got a new pair of shoes!

Well not really, but I did finally get a car!!!!!! I must tell you, I have always hated the thought of driving a mini van. I mean really just hated it. The more I thought about it and thought what my options were, I decided I've get it a try.
And I gotta tell you, I love this thing. Gracie loves it, which is a winner right there. Its a 2008 Dodge Caravan. Its White and has the stowngo seats. We did get the DVD player and the electric doors, so I'm pretty much enjoying it. And its just in time to take to Disney World, we leave this afternoon right after dance class.


preppy little dress AKA "PLD" said...

congrats on your new vehicle, glad to see it is american!!!!

The Sharp Family said...

I LOVE it! That is my dream car right now :) Pretty funny huh? I never wanted a minivan either until I started carrying the kids around. I know it is a life saver! have fun in Disney!!! Be careful!

Teresa =) said...

Love your new wheels!! Hope you're having a blast at Disney!! Can't wait to see pics...

Teresa =)