Saturday, February 13, 2010

Can you believe it

Isn't this a perfect snow angel, I thought so The apple of his eyes, he would do anything for her, including building a snowman at night in the freezing weather.

This child of mine was beyond happy to have snow. It was beautiful before we went to bed, but this morning was breathtaking. God sent us snow all the way to SC. It was beautiful, I'm sure we easily had 5 inches here. Grace had me up before I had coffee out in it this morning. The snow has been shining bright so I'm sure it wont be here long, and I hate to image what it is going to do to my yard, but for now, its beautiful.
Thank you God for such a beautiful day. A true blessing.

1 comment:

nikimac said...

I love your house!!! Love the Snow Angle.....we got snow in Georgia too.